RCSC Bylaws

RCSC Bylaws

Board of Directors

Chair: Bob Shaw
Vice-Chair: G.A. Rassati
Secretary-Treasurer: Sahil Prabhudesai
Directors: Salim Brahimi, Jason Chadee, Ronnie Medlock,
                Dan Wrobleski, Toby Anderson, Carly McGee


Committee A.1 - Specifications Chair: Larry Kruth
                Task Group 1 - General Requirements: G.A. Rassati
                Task Group 2 - Products and Parts: Toby Anderson
                Task Group 3 - Design: James Swanson
                Task Group 4 - Installation: Chad Larson
                Task Group 5 - Inspection: Tom Schlafly

Committee A.2/4 - Research, Education and Projects Chair: Todd Ude
Committee A.3 - Membership and Funding Chair: Jason Chadee
Committee A.5 - Organizational Liaison Chair: Salim Brahimi
Committee B - Editorial Chair: Tom Schlafly
Staff Support: Martin Downs